Confucius says learn practice apply | Chinese culture for kids | Miss Panda Chinese

Confucius Says, Learn. Practice. Apply.  It is good to know the original words of what Confucius said.  The key phrase is about “learning.”   Learning in a way that is joyful.

Isn’t it pleasant to learn then practice and apply what you have learned? – Confucius

學而時習之 不亦悅乎
Xué ér shí xí zhī   bù yì yuè hū
学而时习之 不亦悦乎


“What’s your favorite food?” I ask the kids.

“Pizza!”  “Pizza on Fridays!”  “I love pizza!”  Answers are popping out and this group seems all enjoy pizza.

The pizza rhyme fits well with the topic so we move and wiggle with body movements to learn the words and expressions that the children can use when the pizza day comes at home.

Learning goes beyond the classroom.  I want the kids to take what they have learned in the class home so they can practice and use it whenever possible.


When children practice and use the newly learned Chinese expressions, songs, and rhymes the learning is reinforced.  The more they practice and use the newly learned material the better.  This is across all subjects not just about learning the Chinese language and culture.

Furthermore, the joy of learning multiplies when shared.  That means you can help your child to do that.  Ask your kid what she has learned lately.  Have her teach you and help you review the expressions that she can recall.

You can always hop in and help her and make her feel positive about what she does with the notes you have or she has from her Chinese program.

Do this review and practice on a walk.  Have fun with this practice when you walk to the playground.  Catch a playful moment and do this with your child.

She might correct your pronunciation and tell you how to say an expression in the correct way.  And, she might sing a tune or say a rhyme as the situation fits.  Catch the moment and ask your child to teach you what you have heard.

A great way to learn and to practice is to teach others how to do it.  Reverse the teaching role.  Have your child teach you.

The joy of learning multiplies when shared.  When your child shared what she has learned with you.  She feels proud.

Are you ready to record a short video of you and your child sing a Chinese song, or do a short rhyme?

After you are done with the video share it with your family members or close friends.  They might also want to learn it from your child!

more in bilingual parenting quotes.

Confucius says learn practice apply | Chinese culture for kids | Miss Panda Chinese