introduce Chinese to kids Where to Start | Miss Panda Chinese

I want to introduce Chinese to my kid but I am not sure where to start.  Where do you start?

This is what the school taught us about learning a foreign language.

  • Listening

  • Speaking

  • Reading

  • Writing

Repeat after me.

Memorization.  It is needed but it does not stick.  I learn and I forget.  Rote learning vs. Inquiry-base learning.

I’ve taken French for a couple of years but when I moved to Montreal, Canada.  I realized that the French that I learned from the books was not going to help me very much.  I had pieces of words, phrases, grammar…but I was not able to put it all together.

Time for a haircut.  I desperately needed a haircut and the hairdresser I was referred to only spoke French.

In order to have a good haircut, I prepared all the necessary Frech words and phrases for it.  The conversation I had with the stylist had at least half of gestures and repeated words.

My first haircut was nice with my challenge of the language.

On the other hand, my 2-year-old daughter went to preschool only for half-day sessions and she started to use some French expressions at home after two months.

Is it because children are like sponges?

Could you start speaking some French if you were sent to a French school focuses the daily work you do every day for two months?


Sponges need water.  Water is the target language.  You will need to provide the target language on a consistent basis.

What is it like in the English French bilingual preschool that my daughter attended?

  • Listening and playing (listening input)

  • Singing and playing (listening input)

  • Reading and playing (listening input)

  • Outdoor and indoor activities and playing (listening input)

  • Written language is visible in the classroom. (visual input)

Adults learn a new language differently from young children.  Think about the first time you teach your child your family language.  What did you prepare for your baby’s first lesson?

No preparation.  Me, neither.

We just marveled at our little baby.  You talked to her.  And, you keep talking to her until she produced the most amazing first word.  You keep talking and reading to her and you will continue doing so.

This is how babies learn the family language from the beginning.

  • Listening (listening input)

  • Parents read to the babies (listening input)

  • Parents and siblings play with the baby (listening input)

Introduce Chinese to kids: Where to Start

For parents who are new to the Chinese language, you and your child can start with listening resources

  • The Chinese children’s songs

  • The Chinese children’s lullabies

  • The English-Chinese bilingual audio program

  • Pleco Chinese-English dictionary app

What will be your first album to dive in with your child?

You only need one word and one song to start with.

Ready, set, and GO!

You don’t have to wait for the perfect time.  Now is the best time.

You can start.  And, you can keep it going with the community here!


Image by Picsea

Introduce Chinese to Your Child: Where to Start | Miss Panda Chinese

Introduce Chinese to kids: Where to Start