Confucius and Chinese Culture

Confucius and Chinese culture | teach kids Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese

Confucius is the teacher of all teachers.  Benevolence rén 仁 is the core of Chinese culture and it is the fundamental teaching of Confucius, the greatest teacher in Chinese culture. Chinese children study Confucius words, The Analects at school.  However, they learn about Confucius’ basic teachings way before they start school. Chinese kids learn about being kind, helping others, and practicing what you have learned from their parents.  They learn from the culture that they live in.

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Confucius for Kids-the Greatest Teacher in Chinese History

Confucius Chinese culture for kids |

Confucius for kids- Chinese Culture for Kids series is featuring Confucius! Confucius 孔子 is the greatest teacher 至聖先師 | 至圣先师 in Chinese culture!  He is the greatest teacher, sage, and philosopher in Chinese history.  September 28 is Teachers’ Day 教師節 | 教师节 in Taiwan.  It is the birthday of  Confucius. Quick Facts about Confucius The Greatest teacher, sage, and philosopher in Chinese culture. Born in 551 B.C.E.  Died in 479 B.C.E.  Hometown: Qufu, China. The book of

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