Your Time Is Precious

Your Time Is Precious | Introduce A Second Language to Your Child |

Your time is precious.  As much as you want your child to be engaged in the learning.  You, as a parent, need to be in the moment as well.  There are many resources but you actually only need one to start with.  You can aim for 30, 45, or 60 minutes a day but I often say it is a good idea to start with just five minutes.

Quality over quantity.

How about the research?  The research about the time for the target language input each day, that is important for language learning.  It will come along as you start and keep it going.  When parents come to my Chinese playgroup I always share the concept of having a few minutes of Chinese time at home is better than having zero minutes of Chinese time each day.

Which one would you choose?  Some or none?

I want to take you a little further.  You can start with just 60 seconds when you think you have no time for it.  The interesting thing is if you can make the first 60-second you can lead your child to the next a few minutes. You have it and you can learn and do this with your child.  This might remind you of yoga practice or meditation.  For me, it is also like my first several times trying out plank as an exercise routine.

The length of time should not be a stressful situation.  Your time is precious and you are making an effort to add Chinese learning to your family lifestyle.  Pick a topic to start with: songs, word wall, stories, or culture.

When I first started a pilot Chinese program for kindergarten students in a mainstream public school the principal was not sure about a short block of time for the Chinese classes.  After the first quarter, he was delighted to see how the kids enjoyed the program and he wanted to extend it to other grades.  The teachers were excited, too.  They were in the classrooms with me and the kids and learning along.

It is not how long the session is.  It is about if your child is having fun and if you are having a good time to learn with your child together for a few minutes every day.

What is the best 5-minute time block for you each day to implement a playful learning practice?


image by Steven Libralon


Finding an approach that works for your family at this time:

Time and Place approach

Minority Language At Home approach 

One Person One Language approach