We have wrapped up this program after broadcasting LIVE for 70 weeks during the pandemic. You can watch the recordings on Miss Panda Chinese youtube channel!

Storytime with Miss Panda | Storytime Friday with Miss Panda | MissPandaChinese.com


Hello Parents and Educators,

With the current situation in the world, many of you are still home with the kids.  I am the same just as you.  Over the past eleven months, you and your kids have been coming to the Storytime Friday and listened to stories in Mandarin with some support of English. 

It has been a joy for me to see your kids laughing, participating with enthusiasm, and interacting with me on the other side of the screen.  Playing with a purpose.  Playing with literacy-building in mind.  You have joined with your children and you have shown them learning Mandarin is a  family lifestyle.  

Even with our stay-at-home orders and the need to practice social distancing, your family is not alone.  There are many children and families that have come and joined you in this storytime community.

School is off but the learning keeps going at home. You are the facilitator for your children so they can participate in the storytime.  We are connected.  You and your kids have a playful Chinese community here.   

I started this Online Storytime for families with children who are learning Mandarin as a second language.  This program is for parents who are learning Mandarin along with the kids.  It is a bilingual format so learners can follow and enjoy this Storytime with good comprehension.

As we shelter and thrive in stories.

While the world is uncertain, Storytime with Miss Panda Online continues to provide an engaging learning opportunity, joy, and laughter.  If you’re able, please donate to Miss Panda’s work to bring bilingual storytime in Mandarin with English support to your children and the many families seeking it. Thank you for your support!

Bilingual Storytime with Miss Panda YT donation



More Ways to support Miss Panda Chinese

       Traditional Chinese – Pinyin – English version | Simplified Chinese -Pinyin – English version



Every Friday 

This Storytime Event is OPEN to:

Young Mandarin Learners, their friends, and their parents, grandparents!


How to join Live Storytime

Go to YouTube Miss Panda Chinese and join the Live streaming at on Fridays

Join Storytime Friday with Miss Panda on Youtube LIVE!

What Parents Say about Live Interactive Storytime 

My child enjoyed every moment of your storytime.

Loved the energy and use of the webcam. I was really pleasantly surprised at how much my son followed along! 

You were funny and silly and articulate. We loved your enthusiasm and interactive method of reading.

We love Chinese Storytime with Miss Panda! My kids were running around the room repeating every phrase Miss Panda said. We are learning Chinese at home, but we are not fluent or native speakers. We absolutely love the fact that we are hearing Miss Panda in native Chinese. And it was fun!

It was amazing how you got her to repeat after you with just repetiton, gestures and your enthusiasm. We loved it! …So impressed that you are the consultant for WordParty’s new character. Thank you for the Storytime and all the content you create!

Our boys love learning mandarin from Miss Panda

“I love this class!” Alyssa age 5

Miss Panda did a great job, love her personality and enthusiasm!

Lisa really enjoyed the session. She replied questions in Mandarin. She thought it was the funniest story.

Super engaging and enthusiastic, got our kids eating pretend virtual cookies and repeating the words for eating cookies afterwards



Storytime Online with Miss Panda | MissPandaChinese.com

Play in Mandarin. Immerse in Stories.  Believe in the benefits of raising bilingual kids.


All Recordings are on Youtube Miss Panda Chinese channel!

July 23 – Thank you for being resilient during the pandemic! Be healthy!!

June Fridays

May Fridays

April Fridays

March Fridays

February Fridays

January Fridays


December Fridays

November Fridays

October Fridays

September Fridays

August Fridays

July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

June 5, 12, 19, 26

May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

April 3, 10, 17, 24

March 14*, 20, 27 | COVID hit and school closed

February 26*



Storytime with Miss Panda Online. Storytime with Miss Panda Online. Storytime with Miss Panda Online.