Start and Bond with Your Child

Today is a good time to look at what you have worked on for the past several days, in the previous weeks or months.  Then, have a simple plan for the remaining of the week or for next week.

What do you want to add to your child’s Chinese language learning?  Do you want to add more Chinese children’s songs, craft activities, or simple Chinese stories to the daily Chinese routine?  Do you want to add more visual support, like a word wall or a Chinese book basket or bookshelf to your home so you can create a more target language text rich environment for your child?

Introduce Chinese to your child is more than just a kickoff, a start, and a beginning.  It is a new bonding with your child who is experiencing a new language and a new culture. 

She needs your smiles, your encouragement, and your playfulness.  When you are in the moment with your child during the Chinese play time, reading time, singing time,or craft time you are bonding with her on this bilingual journey.

So, you will start, keep going, and have fun together.


start and bond with your child | Miss Panda Chinese