bumper car | teach kids Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese

Bumper cars!

The trip started with a sunny day. We all got to the school at around 5:30am. Kids were excited.  But, as we were approaching the amusement park after participating in the music festival the rain drops started falling. We had five buses filled with kids.

There was no turning back.  It was a go.  Kids were off the bus and they headed directly to the gate followed by the teachers and parent chaperones.

Kids immediately headed to the rides and parents headed to the cafe for the morning coffee and tea.

Suddenly, it began pouring outside.

Two other mom chaperons and I decided to join the kids in the rain.  It was wet.  Very wet.  I had a rain jacket from one of the moms.

We walked for a while.  Then we rode on the roller coasters.  We walked more in the rain and we enjoyed our conversation.

When it rained even harder we found the bumper car ride! We ran into some kids who were also trying to avoid the big rain in the bumper car arena.

We had a lot of fun.  There were a lot of laughters.  Also, I saw the efforts of the kids tried to steer to the right direction to bump their friends and…I!

Bumper cars!

Do you like to ride bumper cars with your chid?  It is the interaction between the bumper cars makes it so interesting.  If you are just driving but not bumping into any other cars there is something missing.

What’s missing?

Let’s bump, create excitement, and have fun!

Teaching your child Mandarin needs the similar kind of postive interaction.  Learning is not a one way street.

Language is communication.  It takes two to have a conversation and your young child will always enjoy your participation in the game.  The game is an activity that you have created for her.  You play together and you are doing it with her.

It is like riding the bumper car with your child togeter.  Joy multiplies when shared.

Where are you taking her?   Which car are you thinking about bumping?

Being present with your child and enjoy the bonding in a new language!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present. -Oogway, Kung Fu Panda

image by Jason Lander

bumper car | teach kids Chinese | Miss Panda Chinese