Adam Beck Interview on his latest books and raising bilingual kids journey update

Adam Back on Raising Bilingual Kids | Miss Panda Chinese |

You just need to persevere through because day by day week by week month by month year by year it will all add up. Over time you just need to keep going and provide, I mean, build the basic building blocks of progress. Successes are ample language exposure. There are not too many things that are universal about this experience but language exposure is. Without that and without a lot of that the child can’t learn any language. So, that’s imperative that’s pivotal and so exposure and then need. The child, in most cases, needs to feel some kind of genuine need to use the language actively with the minority language parent or other people as well. So always go back to those two.

-Adam Beck


Adam Beck is the founder and zookeeper of Bilingual Monkeys and Bilingual Zoo. Bilingual Monkeys offers support for parents who are on the journey of raising bilingual children. Adam is an educator and parent. He has worked with hundreds of bilingual and multilingual children for over 20 years. He lives in Hiroshima, Japan and English is his family’s target language. His family’s language combination is English and Japanese. They have added Spanish to their repertoire about five years ago. Adam is the author of Maximize Your Child’s Bilingual Ability, I Want To Be Bilingual, Bearded Dragon Daydreams Coloring Book, and 28 Bilingual English-Spanish Fairy Tales and Fables.

I have been recommending Adam’s book, Maximize Your Child’s Bilingual Ability to parents who seek to raise bilingual children since I read it four years ago. Maximize Your Child’s Bilingual Ability is invaluable for parents across language and location. Adam shares the authentic experience of raising bilingual kids with pragmatic strategies. He is a talented educator and a writer with a great sense of humor and in-depth insight into raising bilingual children. This book shows you how you can successfully raise a bilingual child.

Each of Adam’s books is a delightful read. If you are a busy new parent, I Want to Be Bilingual is a must-read. When things get overwhelming this book will remind you of being playful. When the kids need activities to work on Bearded Dragon Daydream Coloring Book is a handy tool to engage your child in the target language and hands-on fun. When your child needs a brain break or a boost with either English or Spanish, 28 Bilingual English-Spanish Fairy Tales & Fables with audio support is a great choice of stories and teaching resource.

I know you will find applicable insights, strengths, and encouragement for your family’s bilingual journey in this interview. Enjoy!

In this interview, we talk about the growth and changes of raising bilingual children since our last interview and the behind the scene stories of Adam’s latest books.


Adam Back on Raising Bilingual Kids | Miss Panda Chinese |


Adam Back on Raising Bilingual Kids | Miss Panda Chinese

Adam Back on Raising Bilingual Kids | Miss Panda Chinese