A Gift

A Gift Teach Your Child A Second Language | Miss Panda Chinese

It’s a new day and a new decade.  It is an exciting time to continue what we have been working on and to begin something that we have planned for.

Planning is a start.  What we do after planning needs to be an action-filled journey.  It is where the work becomes real.  And, it is where the work turns into a daily project.  It is where we see it grow.

Ten years ago, I just started writing songs in Chinese for young children.  I had no plan to release a Chinese language learning album for parents who are new to the Chinese language.  I couldn’t have imaged starting blogging and sharing my teaching online to families and educators or presenting at the GWATFL conference, Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages.  I didn’t have a ten-year plan to make those things happen.  They happened from one tune, one story, and one conversation at a time.

At that time, I also didn’t know if my kids would be able to speak and read Chinese ten years later.  What I knew was I had a gift for my kids and I wanted to give it to them.  What happened with this gift was daily work.  It was a big gift in many pieces and many forms.  I started very small and I did it one day at a time.

A gift is a gift no matter how small it is.  Here’s to today, a new day to do the daily work.  It is a gift for your child and you.



The best time to do something significant is between yesterday and tomorrow.  -Zig Ziglar


Image by Plush Design Studio

A Gift | A New Day A New Decade | Bilingual Parenting | misspandachinese.com

A Gift